Today I was trying to share a very large folder ftp. One Idea was to copy the complete folder to /var/ftp, but this is a bad way when Linux kernel supports mounting a directory from multiple locations.
4. Mounting the directory using
1. Installing FTP server
3. Adding this to startup
On fedora its as simple as yum install vsftpd
2. Start the service
service vsftpd start
2. Start the service
service vsftpd start
chkconfig vsftpd on
mount --bind [directory to mount] [directory in which it would be mounted]
As I was trying to mount sdb drives to the specified folders, I was unable to open them via ftp although they were working fine using nautilus. I googled then I found a solution of setting SELinux to Permissive mode using setenforce 0.
Since mounting operation needs to be done after every boot, I made a simple text file:
mount --bind /media/H/ /var/ftp/Shared
mount --bind /media/I/ /var/ftp/Another
setenforce 0
to permanently set SELinux to permissive mode, and not doing a [setenforce 0] everytime, you can open up [/etc/selinux/config] in root mode and change
otherwise for every boot up you will have to run the script
It can also be achieved by changing the file /etc/fstab with proper flags